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Monday, April 15, 2019

TYSON LEE - 7TH PLACE - $11,193

Tyson Lee and Lydia Waltonbaugh go to the flop. Lee makes it 100,000 to go on the 5d8hJd flop with Waltonbaugh maknig the call.

Lee makes it 200,000 more on the 4c turn, Waltonbaugh moves all in and Lee calls off his last few chips.

Lee - Qd8c
Walton - 7s6s

Lee is drawing dead to the made straight of Waltonbaugh.

Just two orbits earlier, Waltonbaugh (7BB), Lee (6BB) and Marcus Gaunt (2BB) totaled only 15BB.

Ante - 80000
Blinds - 40000/80000
Entries - 6/345

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Media Live

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