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Sunday, April 28, 2019


After an early raise, Mark Wahba moves all-in for his last 76,000 and Xavier Suggs calls from the 9 seat. Action folds over to Mike Comisso and he ships his 650k stack to put Suggs at risk, and Suggs calls off his stack.

Wahba initially only shows an Ace, but the dealer requires him to show both cards and he exposes a 5.

Comisso has Tens, but Suggs has Queens.

6-3-4 goes the flop to give Wahba - who doubled up on the money bubble - an open-ended draw.

Turn is the Ace Wahba needs, and he also finishes off his draw with the river deuce.

Wahba triples up to 230,000, Suggs gets the 480,000 sidepot and Comisso, the Day 1C chipleader, drops to 395,000

Level - 18
Ante - 8000
Blinds - 4000/8000
Entries - 46/588

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Media Live

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