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Sunday, May 12, 2019


After an open and a call, Bret Martin puts out enough 5k chips for both of the challengers to be all in, and both call off their stacks of 22,500 and 36,000.

  • Jacks for the shortest stack
  • Sixes for the next stack
  • AK for Martin (pictured)

The 7-8-3 flop is all hearts and Martin points out no player has a heart on the felt.

Q-2 is the runout and the short stack triples to 70,000. The middle stack only loses 9,000 due to the sidepot. Martin ships a total of 58,500 to his two challengers, but still has 230,000, the No. 3 stack in the room

Level - 12
Ante - 2000
Blinds - 1000/2000
Entries - 56/153

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates
-- Hayley Hochstetler Photo

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