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Sunday, May 12, 2019


Down to his last 16,500, Mike Rieck (pictured) moves all-in over a 6k open and a call. Both challengers call the all-in.

Flop and turn are checked by both challengers -  3d Td 2s Jc - but there's a 20k bet on the 8c river from one challenger, the other mucks and up go the acrds.

"Great flop,' says Rieck as he stands and gathers his gear, showing Ad Kd for a missed flush draw.

A set of Eights takes the pot and sends Rieck to the rail late in Level 13.

Level - 13
Ante - 2500
Blinds - 1500/2500
Entries - 38/153

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates
-- Hayley Hochstetler Photo

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