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Saturday, August 3, 2019


There's a lot of action preflop and on the flop between James Pupillo and Nick Davidson, with Pupillo making it 12,000 to go on the turn - the board A-8-3-6.

Davidson goes for one final bet, all-in for his last 19,000 and Pupillo has the look of someone who got caught trying to snag the last slice of cheesecake.

He makes the call and Davidson says, "Go ahead, turn over that big card," expecting to see A-? from Pupillo.

Instead, he sees 8-9 and Davidson is well ahead with his A-K.

River blank and Davidson doubles to 48,000, Pupillo down to 29,000.

Level - 5
Ante - 400
Blinds - 200/400
Entries - 219

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates
-- Korey Stewart Photo

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