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Friday, August 30, 2019


Andres Garcia leads out for 2,700 on the flop and Mike VanderWoude check-calls here, early in Level 7 on Day 1B of the HPT East Chicago $1,650 Main Event.

The 7cAs9c flop is down to these two challengers.

Turn is Qs, VanderWoude checks, Garcia makes it 7,800 to go and VanderWoude moves all in for about 23,000.

"I can't lay this down," says Garcia as he makes the call.

  • 9sQh for VanderWoude, middle two pair.
  •  6s8s for Garcia, a flopped up-and-down draw plus a turned flush draw.
River is Js and VanderWoude is eliminated, Garcia moving to 64,000.

Level - 7
Ante - 600
Blinds - 300/600
Entries - 150

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Media Live

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