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Saturday, August 3, 2019


King-Ten for Blair @Blur5f6 Hinkle on a K-T-x-x board, he is able to get his entire 98,000 stack in the middle - and he's able to get his challenger to call off what appears to be an even stack.
  • Aces for the challenger
  • 96,000 for the challenger
  • Elimination for Hinkle
  • 275,000 for Hinkle.
Hinkle was up big early, down as low as 32,000 less than an hour ago, and on a steeeeeeeeep uphill climb now.

Level - 13
Ante - 2000
Blinds - 1000/2000
Entries - 61/261

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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