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Thursday, August 29, 2019


Pratap Golla has been playing big pots all day today, and this one backfired on him. 50,000 goes in the middle preflop between Golla and Timothy Simpson, the flop goes Ac - 2c - 5d and Simpson moves all in for his last 67,000.

Golla goes in to the tank, shuffling a large stack of his chips, his head tiled to the side, a disapproving look on his face, and the call eventually is made.

  • Simpson shows Ad - Qh and he's well ahead
  • Golla shows A-9hh
The board runs out Qd - Js and Simpson doubles to 182,000. Golla drops to 100,000.

Level - 14
Ante - 3000
Blinds - 1500/3000
Entries - 27/103

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Media Live

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