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Thursday, August 1, 2019


There's an open to 1,600, three callers, then Jeff Sauer puts his entire 34,600 stack in from the BB and is snap-called by the original raiser.

A-Q for Sauer
Jacks for the OR

... and Sauer pushes away from the table, ready to depart.

Q-T-2 goes the flop, with two hearts, putting Sauer in the lead. A third heart comes on the turn and Sauer calls for the fourth heart, as his challenger has Jh and Sauer anti-sweats himself.

Anti-sweat fails as the river deuce is black and Sauer moves to 74,000.

Level - 9
Ante - 1000
Blinds - 500/1000
Entries - 45

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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