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Saturday, August 3, 2019


There's a minraise, a call from Mike Shin, then Ryan @AceDredlo Dodson ships his last 19BB. The original raiser thinks a minutes, then gets out of the way. Shin thinks a bit more, than two-fists in enough chips for a call to put Dodson at risk.

  • Nines for Dodson
  • Ace-Jack for Shin
the K-8-K flop keeps Dodson out front, but there's an Ace on the turn. A river King gives both players a boat, but Shin's is best and Dodson's sinks, his 5th main event entry gone.

Level - 9
Ante - 1000
Blinds - 500/1000
Entries - 250

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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