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Sunday, August 4, 2019


Table 41 has three former @HPTPoker Champions all in a row, with Mike O'Neill, @RyanGregorKC and Paul Belken all lined up together.

There's actually four former HPT champs in the photo, if you count Nick Pupillo's right ear and right shoulder in the bottom left corner as being 'in' in the photo.

O'Neill is a former HPT Pittsburgh Champ, Gregor won in Kansas City (and won the 2016 Player of the Year title as well) and Belken is a St. Louis champ from 2015.

Pupillo most recently won a HPT title in Black hawk last February.

Level - 16
Ante - 5000
Blinds - 2000/5000
Entries - 69/480

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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