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Friday, August 30, 2019


Kevin Saul opens for 9,000, Nick Davidson calls, then Day 2 stack-crusher Josh @JReichard45 bumps the action to 36,000. The next challenger moves in for 80,500.

Saul gets out of the way, and Davidson looks to be in a world of hurt. He gets a count of the all-in, looks at that player, at Reichard and the ~450k behind him .. and finds a fold.

Riechard snap-calls and up go the cards.

  • Kings for the challenger.
  • 6h 7h for Reichard. Hey, he's been destroying everyone in his way tonight.
The Js 8c  flop doesn't do much, but the turn 2h gives Reichard flush outs, with the river  getting there for the chipleader to notch yet another elimination tonight.

Davidson says he mucked Queens preflop and Reichard jokes, "You want to play Queens against me tonight?"

Reichard is to 540,000

Level - 15
Ante - 4k
Blinds - 2k/4k
Entries - 24/169

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Media Live

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