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Friday, September 20, 2019


There's an early-position open to 5,400, a call from Spencer Champlin, then Matt Livingston - twice a runner-up here at @HPTpoker @Gates_Poker - moves all in for his 38,300 remaining stack.

The initial raiser steps aside, and after a few minutes of quiet contemplation, Champlin calls for all but 14k of his stack.

  • Livingston turns over Ad Tc and he needs help
  • Champlin shows As Qd
The 9s 7c 6h flop gives Livingston a gutter to a straight, but he opts to not use it, instead hitting the Td turn to pair his kicker.

River 2c and Livingston moves to 87,000.

Level - 12
Ante - 2000
Blinds - 1000/2000
Entries - 44/128

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Media Live
-- Hayley Hochstetler Photos

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