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Friday, February 19, 2016

Call That Clock

We show to table 13 as we hear the dealer call floor for clock being called on a player .. a player who is pretty loud, by the way.

The board is 3♥️ T♣️ 8♥️ K♠️ and Ryan van Sanford has 3-bet the complaining player, and floor starts the countdown clock.

The player continues to complain about clock being called on him, turning to players nearby also to complain, and chirping at Van Stanford also.

He eventually lifts his cards up, one stacked behind the other, and shows a T♠️, calling out "show me the bluff," but refusing to release his hand.

Van Sanford realizes the player did not muck yet, so he sits and waits for the player to muck. Once he does, van Sanford slides his cards face down and collects the pot, all the time being chirped at.

Moral of the story - don't be afraid to call clock on someone, and don't be intimidated when they act like a bully once you do so.

Level 15
Blinds - 1500/3000
Antes - 400
Players - 57

--Dan Ross -

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