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Friday, February 19, 2016

Guaranteeing a Milly

That's right, I said it, I am GUARANTEEING there's going to be a Million-dollar prize pool for this main event.

1) The prize pool right now is slightly under $720,000.
2) Today's entries alone have added $338,100 to the prize pool
3) Tomorrow's entries only have to be 40 FEWER than today to hit the MillyMark
4) This means the MillyMark might be hit as cards go in the air tomorrow (or will be REAL close)

Mind you, this is only a WRITTEN guarantee, it hold nothing more than that, unless someone wants to bet be a coffee it will not happen ....

Level 8
Blinds - 300/600
Antes - 75
Entries - 230

--Dan Ross -

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