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Friday, February 19, 2016

Level 7 Photos

We grabbed a few photos as Level 7 was coming to a close. We would have grabbed a bunch more, but we ran into our buddy Travis Northrope (above) and spent so much time catching up that we had to cut the photo-taking short. more coming soon, we promise.

Chipleader Craig Casino, right before former WPT Champ Kevin Stammen sat down on Craig's immediate right. We took 5 shots of Kevin but they were all lousy.

Schuyler Thornton

And just to show that product placement can take place even when the actual product is not with you ... Allen Kessler in his Blue Shark Optics t-shirt.

Level 8
Blinds - 300/600
Antes - 75
Entries - 221

--Dan Ross -

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