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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Size Matters

You can have a lot of chips in a tournament - but not have the big ones you really want. Aaron Massey is a bit short-stacked at this point, but to his tablemates they might not catch on due to the NUMBER of chips in front of him. Massey has 13,300 but with three towers and more scattered about is CAN look like more.

Massey just limped from UTG, with Greg Raymer and Cindy Kelly coming along from the blinds.

The 6♠️ T♥️ 6♥️ flop drew a check from the blinds, Massey made it 500, Raymer folded and Kelly came along.

The turn was A♣️, Kelly checked, Massey bet 1200 and Kelly mucked.

Level 6
Blinds - 200/400
Antes - 50
Entries - 135

--Dan Ross -

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