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Friday, February 19, 2016

Triple Up and a Triple-Digit Stack

We arrived on the turn to see Duan King already all in, and Joe Christman putting out enough 5000 chips to put another player all in as well on a board of Q♦️ 8 ♥️ 9♥️ 5♣️. The third player made the call and all the cards were turned up.

King - JT for the nut straight on the board
Christman - 8♣️ 9♣️ for a flopped two pair
3rd player - Q♥️4♥️ for top pair and a flush draw.

The river was a 2♠️ and King tripled back up to starting stack, while Christman eliminated one player and moved to 106,000

Level 8
Blinds - 300/600
Antes - 75
Entries - 229

--Dan Ross -

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