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Friday, July 15, 2016

Boat Don't Lie

Jim Glick opens for 6,100 and John Holdren makes it 13,600. Everyone else gets out of the way and Glick makes the call.

The flop is J 8 T , Glick checks, Holdren makes it 12,000 and Glick calls.

The turn is 6 , Glick checks again, Holdren bets 15,000 this time, and Glick check-calls again.

Second verse, same as the first. Glick checks, Holdren bets 18,000 - leaving 18,000 behind - and Glick check-calls.

Holdren tables 66 for a turned set and rivered boat.

John Holdren - 141,000
Jim Glick - 28,000

Level - 14
Blinds - 1200/2400
Antes - 300
Players Left - 39

-- Dan Ross -

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