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Friday, July 15, 2016

It's Gettin' Chippy

Danny Gonzales calls floor on a player during a hand - while Gonzales is not part of the all-in with 2 callers. The dealer finishes off the hand - the all-in player is eliminated and the player Gonzales called 'floor' on takes the sidepot.

Now for the discussion.

There was an all-in by the 10 seat, called by both the 4 and the 8 seats. After the flop the 10 seat made a comment to the 8 seat "you have a 6 there?"and "I have better than a 6." was the reply.

Innocent, right? Not exactly, for the 8 seat had bet the flop, and the 4 seat had not yet decided whether to make the call, so Gonzales - remember, he's not in the hand -  calls Floor on the 8 seat for discussing his hand with action pending.

This is what the dealer explains to the floor, and floor rules there's a 1-lap penalty for the 8 seat.

THIS is where it gets chippy, as the player in the 8 seat goes OFF on Gonzales for calling floor while not in the hand. Gonzales, who has had his share of aggressive table talk in the past, doesn't back down, reiterating no player should say anything about the strength or weakness of his hand when there's action pending.

The 8 seat tries to stay at the table and keep chirping, but floor staff effectively emphasizes he needs to not only go cool off, but he's on a 1-lap and he needs to leave the tournament floor.

Well, he's just returned and Gonzales is trying to prevent him from coming in, claiming he hasn't missed a full lap ... here comes floor again ...

Gonzales was wrong about how many hands he needed to sit out, but he was right that a full lap had not gone by.

Meanwhile, back on the farm ...

Level - 14
Blinds - 1200/2400
Antes - 300
Players Left - 41

-- Dan Ross -

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