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Monday, November 7, 2016

Ari Engel - 2nd place - $82,067

@AriBodog Engel opens, Matt Donaldson 3-bets to 725,000 and Engel 4-bets to 1,485,000, Donaldson 5-bets all in and Engel calls for close to identical stacks.

Engel - Kc Kc
Donaldson - Kc Kc

Before the flop there's a quick count and Donaldson has Engel covered by about 2BB, so Engel is ahead and at risk.

The flop is Kc Kc Kc, a pair for Donaldson, but there's always a sweat, as Engel has a broadway gutter and the Q also for a better pair.

The turn Kc takes one out away from Engel. The river Kc improves Donaldson to a flush and eliminates Engel.

Ari Engel - 2nd place - $82,067

Blinds - 60k/120k
Antes - 15k
Players Left - 1

-- Dan Ross -
-- Eric Harkins Photos -

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