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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hinkle's RunGood

After a raise and a several callers, Blair Hinkle reraises to 2,700. Maxx Coleman shoves 13,500 and gets Sean Lindsey to call. Hinkle then reshoves and gets Lindsey makes the call for his tournamnet life.

Sean Lindsey Kc Kc
Maxx Coleman Kc Kc
Blair Hinkle Kc Kc

After the flop, Colemannwas still in the lead but the Kc on the turn put Hinkle ahead, and he gets the double knockout with a blank on the river.

Blair Hinkle 107,000

Hinkle is now the over whelming chipleader and the only player over the 100,000 mark.

Level -5
Blinds -150/300
Antes -25
Entries -38

-- Clinton Cartwright -

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