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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Summerville Doubles

Nick Summerville elminates Mike Shannahan - who had the first KO of the tourney.

On a ten high board, Shannahan shoved all in after Summerville bet. Summerville thought for a few minutes, then asked, "Do you want me to call," and finally - after no answer - makes the call.

Shannahan Kc Kc
Summerville Kc Kc

The board doesnt' improve for Shannahan and Summerville gets the KO.

Just a few hands earlier, Summerville was at risk when he called a shove on the turn while  holding the Kcon a 3-heart board ... and hit his A to beat top pair.

Nick Summerville 74,300

Level -5
Blinds -150/300
Antes -25
Entries -39

-- Clinton Cartwright -

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