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Monday, February 6, 2017

Eugene Cavaceci - 7th Place - $9,114

Gene Cavaceci opens, Ed Sebesta moves all-in and Cavaceci makes the call for his tournament life. Sebesta is left with 4BB if he misses.

Cavaceci - Kc Kc
Sebesta - Kc Kc

The Kc Kc Kc gives Cavaceci top pair but it is two pair for Sebesta. The turn is Kc for a full house, and Cavaceci needs Kc for a chop. The river, however, is Kc and Cavaceci is out in 7th place, cashing for $9,114.

Ed Sebesta - 1,000,000

Blinds - 30k/60k
Antes - 10k
Players - 6

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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