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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hard to Top: Ryan Gregor Looking for Another POY Run

Last year, Ryan Gregor cashed in five HPT events and won one of them. He only has one other recorded cash and that is from 2009.

He won HPT Kansas City for $111,696 in April of last year. He then went on to finish second (HPT Vicksburg - Aug 2016 - $26,862), seventh (HPT Blackhawk - Sept 2016 - $21,879), eighth(HPT Kansas City - Nov 2016 - $13,558), and twelfth (HPT Reno - Oct 2016 - $4,229). All of that put him on top of the 2016 HPT Player of the Year leaderboard, which earned him buy-ins and hotel accommodations to six HPT events this year.

Gregor currently has 42,000 up from the starting stack of 30,000.

Level - 5
Blinds - 150/300
Antes - 25
Entries - 134

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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