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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Cody Trail Gets Value With Trips

Cody Trail
Cody Trail opened the action with a raise to 500. The player to his left reraised to 1,700 and Trail called.

The flop came KcKcKc and Trail led for 2,500. His opponent called. The turn brought another ten, the Kc and both players checked.

The river was the Kc and Trail bet again, this time making it 5,000. His opponent called and Trail showed KcKc for trips. He won the pot and is now sitting at 46,000.

Trail is a Colorado local with only one recorded tournament cash to his name.

Level - 4
Blinds - 100/200
Antes - 25
Entries - 131

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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