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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Mike Comisso Makes It Too Much

Mike Comisso (left) and Kurt Carlson (right)

There are about 88 players left in the Day 1b field and 20 minutes left in level ten. The players returned from their one hour dinner break and the room filled up a bit more with the 7 p.m. qualifier in full swing.

Kurt Carlson, who is now sitting with 67,000 chips after a hand against Mike Comisso, his neighbor to the right. The hand started with Comisso opening to 2,500 preflop. Carlson called and Ben Keeline defended from the big blind.

The flop came KcKcKc and the action checked around to Carlson. He grabbed chips from the top of his stack and seemed to drop as much as he slapped down a bet of 3,000. Keeline folded and Comisso called.

The turn was the Kc and both players checked quickly. The river was the Kc and Comisso was the first to bet this time. As Comisso reached toward his stack, Carlson leaned over trying to get a closer look what the amount Comisso would settle on. In the end, Comisso made it 8,500 to go. After about 30 seconds of deliberation, Carlson folded and Comisso took down the pot.

Mike Comisso (left) decides on a bet while Kurt Carlson (right) watches intently

Level - 10
Blinds - 500/1,000
Antes - 100
Entries - 159

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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