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Friday, February 17, 2017

Mike Monetti Makes Quads, Check-raises James Morrison

Mike Monetti is very excited about getting quad sevens

Mike Monetti made quads and eliminated two players. Deborah Phillips and three other players saw the flop. Phillips and another player were both all in preflop.

Monetti was the only one to bet on the flop and his remaining opponents folded. He showed a set of sevens and would only get better from there when he rivered quads.

James Morrison

A few hands later, James Morrison bet 2,900 on a KcKcKc flop. Monetti check-raised him, making it 8,000 to go and Morrison folded. Morrison has $56,373 in lifetime tournament earnings and Monetti has $89,598. The two represent the lesser known group of tournament players that have come to HPT Golden Gates for their piece of the estimated $1,000,000 prize pool.

Mike Monetti - 98,000
James Morrison - 64,500

Level - 9
Blinds - 400/800
Antes - 100
Entries - 134/226

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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