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Friday, February 17, 2017

O'Brien Leads Coming Down the Stretch, Philachack Eliminated

Kevin Boudreau

Andy Philachack was eliminated after shoving 11,400 into Kevin Boudreau's big blind. Boudreau called with KcKc. Philachack was ahead with KcKc. Both players flopped a pair of sevens, but Boudreau turned two pair to win the hand and eliminate Philachack in the final level of play.

Kevin Boudreau - 46,000

Dan O'Brien

Dan O'Brien has 420,000 chips after beating Phil Cummings in a pot with a higher straight.

Level - 15
Blinds - 1,500/3,000
Antes - 400
Entries - 50/233

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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