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Friday, February 17, 2017

Ryan Dodson Shoves Into Two People

Ryan Dodson (left)
Ryan Dodson just won a pot without showdown after he three-bet shoved against two opponents. The action started when Dan O'Brien opened from the button, making it 4,500. The player in the small blind and Dodson both called.

The flop came KcKcKc and all three players checked. The turn was the Kc and the small blind checked. Dodson bet 4,100 and O'Brien called.

The small blind raised to 15,400 and Dodson didn't take long to shove all in for 86,000 total. O'Brien quickly folded and the small blind eventually folded after a 30-second delay.

Ryan Dodson - 110,000
Dan O'Brien - 240,000

Level - 13
Blinds - 1,000/2,000
Antes - 300
Entries - 75/233

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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