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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Power Cord, Cord Garcia Wins Without Showdown

Cord Garcia is in the field again today, after firing at least once yesterday. On this hand, he sees a flop three-handed and wins the pot when he raises in position on the river.

The board read KcKcKc and the first player to act led for 2,000. Garcia called and the third player folded, leaving Garcia heads up.

The turn paired the board with the Kc and both players checked. The river was the Kc and Garcia faced a lead-out bet of 3,000. He raised, making it 11,000 and when his opponent realized he had raised, she folded.

Garcia won the last HPT event here at Golden Gates in September. He won $164,988 after beating a field of 488 total entries.

Level - 7
Blinds - 250/500
Antes - 50
Entries - 149

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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