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Thursday, February 16, 2017

The River Ten

Ben Keeline
Ben Keeline just doubled up right before the players in HPT Golden Gates Day 1b went to break. A player raised from the cutoff and Keeline called from the button. The big blind called and the three players saw the KcKcKc flop.

The action checked to Keeline on the button, he bet 800. The big blind check-raised to 2,000 and Keeline was the lone caller. The two players were heads up to the Kc on the turn.

The big blind led for 4,000 and Keeline called. The river was the Kc and this time, the big blind checked. Keeline shoved all in for his remaining 13,000 and his opponent quickly called. Keeline showed KcKc for a straight. His opponent showed KcKc for top pair with a missed flush draw. Keeline is now sitting with 34,000 as the players head to their first break of the day.

Level - 3
Blinds - 100/200
Antes -
Entries - 114

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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