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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Aces Cracked: Kerstetter Hits the Rail

Brent Servoss
Jamie Kerstetter has just been eliminated by Brent Servoss. Servoss is now over 100,000 and among the chip leaders early in Day 1b action.

Servoss flopped two pair against Kerstetter's pocket aces and rivered a full house to eliminate Kerstetter and break 100,000. He now has 124,000 with 14 minutes left in level four.

There are now 126 entries in today's field, just one short of yesterday's with plenty of time to register. Registration stays open until the start of level ten after a one-hour dinner break.

Level - 4
Blinds - 100/200
Antes - 25
Entries - 126

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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