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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Chung v Sawaqdeh

In a big hand against Jamal Sawaqdeh, Edward Chung pulls in a massive pot.

Chung raises pre-flop from the hijack spot to 2,000.  Action folds around to Sawaqdeh who re-raises to 5400.  Chung makes the call.

Flop:  Kc Kc Kc

Both players check.

Turn: Kc

Sawaqdeh bets 5,000 and Chung smooth calls.

River: Kc

Sawaqdeh checks, Chung bets 11,000 and Sawaqdeh lays down his hand.

Chung now sits with about 59,475 in chips.

Level - 8
Blinds - 300/600
Antes - 75
Entries - 68

Jessica Parente - Hold'em Live Updates

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