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Monday, September 4, 2017

Darrell Haywood - 2nd Place - $104,168

Gary Herstein leads out for 400,000 on the flop and Haywood quickly, loudly, announces all in on the Kc Kc Kc board.

Herstein asks for a count - hears that it is for 5.090 million and Herstein is shaking his head, pacing behind his chair, leaning against the rail ... and he finds a call for a little more than half his stack.

Herstein - Kc Kc, he called with Ace-high and a backdoor flush draw.
Haywood - Kc Kc, he is all-in with a gutter

Herstein pairs his Ace with the  qc turn, leaving Haywood drawing to an 8.

The river is Kc and the Herstein-dominant rail goes wild as Haywood is eliminated in second place, cashing for $104,168.

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