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Monday, September 4, 2017

Herstein Grabs the Lead

Darrell Haywood has mantained a 2.5 million - 3 million lead the last 20 or so hands, but Gary Herstein just evened the match.

Haywood check-called a 400k flop and 500k turn bet from Herstein on a 5-J-A-9 board, then Haywood made it 1.3 million on the 6 river and Herstein made an anguished call.

"Good call," said Haywood, who mucked without showing, and Herstein moves to the lead by about 2 million.

Herstein took a bigger lead the next hand as Haywood hit two pair, only to see Herstein with a better two pair, taking about a 1.5 million pot.

Herstein is to about 9.5 million and Haywood is to 6 million.

Blinds - 50k/1200k
Antes - 10k
Remaining - 2

Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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