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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Gallant Geith

Robert Geith gets a chip boost with a brave shove against two other players that have him out-chipped.

The UTG+1 player raises pre-flop to 6,000.  Phillip Gioia re-raises to 18,000 from the cut-off position.  Geith, in the small blind, shoves all-in for 67,500.  The UTG+1 player folds and Gioia goes into the tank.  He has Geith covered nearly 2:1, but decides to lay down his hand.

Geith now sits with 96,000 in chips.

Level - 14
Blinds - 1200/2400
Antes - 300
Remaining - 29

Jessica Parente - Hold'em Live Updates

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