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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wu Hits Big

Zhongmin Wu is looking for his 5th HPT Black Hawk Main Event cash.

In a multi-way hand, Wu raises to 2200 pre-flop from the cut off.  He gets called from the button, small blind, UTG and the hijack.

Flop:  Kc Kc Kc

Action checks around to Wu, who bets 4000.  He gets called only by the small blind position player.

Turn: Kc

Wu's opponent is first to act and checks.  Wu bets 3,000 and gets a call.

River: Kc

The small blind position player bets 15,000, effectively putting Wu all-in.  Wu makes the call for less with 10,225.

Wu:  Kc Kc
Opponent: Kc Kc

Wu currently has about 47,000 in chips.

Level - 8
Blinds - 300/600
Antes - 75
Entries - 64

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