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Friday, March 23, 2018

Home For The Grange


After raising pre-flop out of the small blind, Brian Granger (left) c-bet for 10K on the A48 double-diamond flop.  Joe Macri called from the cutoff.  After the 9h turn, Brian upped the action to 20K.  Joe called again.  The 5s came on the river, but Granger was undaunted firing another 20K barrel, just under half his remaining stack.  Macri shoved all-in and Granger talked himself into a call, saying he had too much invested.  Brian's AKo fell to Joe's double-draw as the 8d7d straightened out on the end.  Granger was eliminated and Macri moved into the top 5 in chips.

Level - 13
Antes - 300
Blinds - 1K/2K
Entries - 38/119

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