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Friday, March 23, 2018

P > P

Ammar Alnajjar raised to 7,000 from the lojack.  Neil Patel shoved for the button for 31,500.  Jim Pifer called from the small blind.  Dave Gutfreund folded his big blind and it came around to Alnajjar who painfully folded ATo.  Patel & Pifer tabled their hands and Neil was in a bad way as his 9's were behind Jim's JJ.  Both still had overpairs after the flop, but Patel caught his 2-outer on the turn.  Pifer couldn't re-suck on the river and Patel kept us from breaking a table for a few minutes.  That changed just as I was about to click "publish" on this post.  We are now down to 4 tables.

Level - 14
Antes - 300
Blinds - 1200/2400
Entries - 36/119

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