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Saturday, July 28, 2018


We did a lap of the tournament area and caught a few hands...

Jason Brin (pictured) has been involved in a lot of pots today. We've missed most of them, but just walked up to see him win a sizable pot with king-queen for two pair.

Brin is up to about 75k.


At another table, Mary Sturges and Ed Sebesta got involved in another pot. On a KcKcKc flop, Sebesta had check-raised Sturges' 10k bet to 20.5k.

"Do you have ace-queen again?" Sturges asked.

She thought and thought before making the fold. Sebesta is up to roughly 85k while Sturges has slipped to 22k.


At the "Table of Terror" that we described earlier, Mike White was facing a bet for his tournament life on a KcKcKcKc board. He thought long and hard before eventually making the call with KcKc. It was a good call as he was ahead of his opponent's KcKc. White held and is now close to 70k.

Level: 9 (16:00 remaining)
Blinds: 500/1,000
BB Ante: 1,000
Entries: 181

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