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Saturday, July 28, 2018


Both Jason and Jeff Brin tried their luck in yesterday's flight here in Kansas City. Neither of them made it through to Day 2 so both are back again today.

Jeff just took his seat, but Jason is not off to a good start early on today.

Mike Vanderwoude and Jason Brin were looking at a layout of K-9-3-2 with two diamonds on the board. Vanderwoude went all in and Brin made the call.

Vanderwoude had pocket 3s for bottom set while Brin held the KcKc for top pair with a flush draw.

The river Kc gave Vanderwoude the full double to just over 60k and left Brin with about 4k behind. He lost the 4k shortly thereafter and hit the rail.

Level: 2 (3:00 remaining)
Blinds: 100/200
Entries: 121

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