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Thursday, October 25, 2018


There's an early-position all-in for 5,500. Action folds around to John Pizano, who decides to place his last 22,00 at risk as well, and the rest of the players muck their cards.

Pizano's challenger flashes an Ace, Pizano tables Pocket_Queens and the challenger shows a 5 kicker.

"I'm glad you raised," says Peter Branner in the 1 seat.
"You folded Jacks?" asks Pizano, and he receives an affirmative response.

The board goes 6-2-5-7 .... Jack ...

Well, Pizano pushed Branner off the winning hand and collects the elimination, moving back up to starting stack.

There's a LevelUp coming, so action is about to move to

Level - 5
BB Ante - 400
Blinds - 200/400
Entries - 73

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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