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Friday, April 26, 2019


There's about 28,000 in the pot preflop, a postflop raise, then John Sacha (pictured) moves in for 51,700 more on the 9h6hTs board.

After a bit of debate, Sacha's challenger makes the call and Sacha rapidly slaps down 9c9s for middle set.

He's up against KcTc for top pair and a variety of backdoor draws.

The turn 8d wipes out any potential flush draws put provides a gutter to a 7 for a chop, but the river goes 6s and Sacha - coming off a 3rd-place finish at HPT Black Hawk earlier this year (he also won HPT Black Hawk in 2009) - moves to 132,000.

Level - 10
Ante - 1200
Blinds - 600/1200
Entries - 72/157

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Media Live

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