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Thursday, April 25, 2019


There's about 8,000 in the pot preflop, three to the flop and Iverson 'Cotton' Snuffer leads out for 5,000 when the dealer spreads the 4s3d5s cards.

Patrick Phillips makes the call, only to see the third challenger move all in, having Snuffer and covered.

Snuffer steps aside, while Phillips (pictured) gathers up his 27,800 remaining stack, shuffles it a bit, thinks, and decides he's gonna gamble with his Js9s flush draw.

Well, he's run in to a bigger flush draw in the challenger's As3s that has also paired the board and is also a gutter to a wheel draw.

All that changes when the turn comes 9h to pair the 9 of Phillips , followed by Td to give a double to 69,000.

Level - 7
Ante - 600
Blinds - 300/600
Entries - 95

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Media Live

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