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Friday, August 2, 2019


The action was, well, let's just say you're going to need to grab a cup of coffee and sit back to follow along with what just happened at Table 41.

There's an open preflop from Cameron Rezaie, a flat from former @HPTpoker @Gates_Poker champ Wendy Freedman, a 3-bet from Neil Patel, a call of the 3-bet - and now the action picks up.

Rezaie 4-bets to 1,700, only to have Freedman 5-bet jam for 10,700, only to have Patel 6-bet jam for 22,400. The fourth player steps aside and Rezaie gets a count of both stacks - sees is leaves his with 10,800 behind, and he calls the two all-in bets.

Rezaie nervously chuckles as he shows Jh 9h
Freedman has the preflop lead with Kh Ks
Patel cuts in to the outs for Rezaie with his Jd Jc

The Ad Qs 9s flop had to make Freedman and Patel glad Rezaie didn't call with AQ ... the Tc turn, though, gives Rezaie an open-ended draw to earn two eliminations.

River 2d and Freedman triples to 33,000, the sidepot to Patel and he's at 24,000.

Level - 3
Ante - 0
Blinds - 100/300
Entries - 120

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates
-- Takisha Hopfer Photo

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