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Thursday, August 1, 2019


Mike Shin is down to 30,500 after putting out the entire table's 4,000 ante and his 4,000 BB. Jason Mangold opens to 10,000, Jeff Schroeder comes along and Shin (pictured) finds 6k more to come along.

2-4-6 rainbow goes the flop and everyone checks.

Turn is a King and Shin - with the pot almost 10,000 more than his stack - moves all-in with Mangold snap-calling.

Schroeder gets out of the way and Mangold shows T4 for 3rd pair, Ten kicker.
Shin shows 4-6 for a flopped TwoTwo and Mangold chuckles to see he just doubled up the table's short stack.

Well, the double-plus is official once the river falls and Shin moves to 82,000.

Barring Aces v Kings twice for rollz, this should lock up the field being able to make the full 15 40-minute levels of play tonight.

Level - 15
Ante - 4000
Blinds - 2000/4000
Remaining - 8/47

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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