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Thursday, August 1, 2019


A wild last few four hands wrap up with, well, let me tell ya what happened.

  • Hand 1/ Jason Mangold loses half his stack to Chris Moon, Mangold to 80,000 and Moon to 250,000.
  • Hand 2/ Moon and Mike Shin mix it up with Shin bluff-jamming the river and Mangold showing as straight for a full double to leave Shin with 18,000.
  • Hand 3 Mangold calls the 79,500 all-in from Jeff Schroeder and Shin mucks his BB, leaving himself only 10k behind. Schroeder doubles AJ > AT to cut Mangold down to 55,000.
  • Hand 4/ Mangold limps, Chris Moon makes it 10k, Shin calls off his stack and Mangold comes along. Mangold jams the flop on a 6-J-9 board and Moon calls. Moon shows AJ for TopTop, Shin shows A7, drawing dead and Mangold shows 8T for a gutter to Shin's kicker. Turn is a 9 to give Moon two pair, but the river is the 7 Mangold needs to keep Day 1A from hitting its HardStop with 20 minutes left in Level 15.

Level - 15
Ante - 4000
Blinds - 2000/4000
Remaining - 7/47

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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