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Thursday, August 1, 2019


I showed up at the table to see a 2,500 bet out in front of @JMangold35, an all-in for close to 40,000 from Jovan Sudar and an undershove for 22,300 from @Chris_Tryba, with Mangold deep in the tank, talking out the possible hands he's facing while having both players covered.

The board is 3s Ad 5d and Mangold just can't find a call in his toolbox, so up go the hands of the challengers.

Sudar - Ah Qd
Tryba - Ac Kd

"Were you ahead?" one of the other players at the table asks Mangold.

"Not now," He replies when the turn is Kh for Tryba to secure his double. The river falls 2h and Tryba collects his chips as Mangold tells the table he had not only the Case Ace but he held TopAndBottom of A-3.

Mangold is known for having an exceptionally wide range in early levels of tournaments, so players and reporters alike acted surprised he found a fold there. Tryba tossed in a subtle needle, adding, "I should be up to 90,000."

Tryba moves to 65,000, Mangold to 45,000 and Sudar to 17,500.

(Undershove (def.) a bet for all of your chips that is less than the existing bet on the table)

There's a LevelUp as I write this, action now moving to

Level - 5
Ante - 400
Blinds - 200/400
Entries - 35

-- Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates
-- Korey Stewart Photo

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