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Friday, February 17, 2017

Andreas Ramadanis Knocks Out Will Givens

Andreas Ramadanis

Andreas Ramadanis just knocked out Will Givens with pocket queens against Givens' pocket jacks.

After some preflop action, the two players were already in for 18,000 each and looking over a KcKcKc flop. Ramadanis led for 19,000 and Givens called.

The turn was the Kc and Ramadanis eyed Given's remaining stack. He bet 45,000 and Givens took a while to make his decision. Eventually Givens tossed in his remaining chips and saw the bad news. Ramadanis had pocket queens and just beat out Givens' pocket jacks.

Will Givens

Ramadanis is no stranger to success at HPT Golden Gates, he won this event in 2008. The Colorado native took home $174,780.

Level - 12
Blinds - 600/1,200
Antes - 300
Entries - 85/233

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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